and this is my 61st post, how about that. hmmmmm might just have to find something to giveaway.
So please leave me a comment about the lovely birthday gift I received from the Lovely Lucy , she gave it to me yesterday at Evas. If you want to know how she made it please visit her blog. The top has the words. "THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING" I love it... Thanks too for Pic Lucy
I felt a bit neglected for my 60th because we live over here in Australia now, altho the family here in Melbourne put on a surprise dinner at home for me. We should have gone to NZ to a family wedding but too many things needed to be bought and replaced etc etc at the same time... never mind, next decade, maybe I will jump from a plane tandem or something next time. LOL.....
Anyway, as well as receiving this lovely gift from Lucy we got together at Evas and learnt to do enamelling from a friend of Evas. Pic of Lucy and I absolutely LURVING EACH OTHER LOL..... heeheehe...

It was good fun though. The two discs were done by first preparing the copper disc, then putting the enamel on it and firing it, then adding a paper template and adding a different color of enamel and firing again. The S one was putting a color on the prepared copper disc firing, then another color and drawing in it with a toothpick and then firing it. The third was a different technique called swirling, which we put three or more colors on the brass and then melted it over the torch and then when it was a honey consistency I drew in it with a metal pick, (with a glove on, off course)
Anyway, look forward to your comments and I will choose a winner style and send of a little something to the lovely winner.
You are doubly lucky my friend...not only did you get nice pressies but you got to play with lovely ladies!
Sure was GF. You need to convince Al to retire to Melbourne, so you to can play, loads of country areas close by... LOL
Happy birthday to you. And what a great gift.
Happy birthday, Glenda!!!! Day late but... First of all I wish you good health, lots of great collaborative projects and fun with the lovely friends of yours.
Hermine and Svetlana,. thanks for comments and Birthday wishes.
I remember doing enamel at primary school. We used a 'Stuiver'( 5 pence coin. Put stuff on it and than our handicaft teacher had to take it home and you were in suspence for a whole week how it turned out. Mine was blue and red and I kept it for a long time. May be it is still in my little treasure box up in the attic.
Happy Birthday Glenda, with many happy and healthy returns. Your enamelling looks fantastic! Look forward to seeing what you make with them. xxmargaret
Loes, you will have to go and find it and make something with it to treasure.
Margaret, not sure yet what they will become, but I gave the maroon one to my daughter-in-law and she will use it as a pendant on a chain when we get something suitable. She loved it.
It was so great to see you again Bevlea,the enamelling was awesome
Glenda I have lost my mind,Your not Bevlea but It was great to catch up with you also at the enamelling class.If you see my mind send it home
Hey Jen
I found your mind, gave it a wash ROTFLMAO and sent it home again, nah it was clean hehehee
Happy Birthday - and happy creating too. Lucky you to have friends - and gifts for your birthday.
Thanks Sue for visiting my blog.
Love your hand knits on your blog, its such a long time since I did anything like that.
Marilyn, thanks for stopping by and I will popping by yours often too.
Belated congrats, my friend! Hope you´ve had a lovely birthday!
Thanks Marion. It was a lovely time.
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