I received this gorgeous piece of art work from the very talented Linda Baldock . Linda made it for me for a small favour I did for her. The artwork more than covers what I did :-)
Here is what she made for me. Lucky lucky me...
The wings are made from Fusible Fibre, I must give it a try, I have heaps of FF that Linda inspired me to buy and as usual its not had much use. LOL, but!!!! now I can see a great use for it.
We have our daughter Tanya here with us at the moment, that is really great, shes a bit concerned about the fires around us, but is coping ok. We went for a drive to look at a property in Healesville on Sunday with the people we work with and saw how close the fires came to the town of Healesville, scary stuff, the Real Estate agent was still carrying all her treasured possesions in the boot of her car.
Only 3 more weeks to go until the Creative Soul Retreat, Ive been making my little houses for the swap.

I am so looking forward to the classes. I am doing on Saturday, Layers with Bernie Berlin, Sunday is Face Painting on Canvas with DJ Pettit and Monday is an Elements Fat Book with Stephane Lee. I cant wait to put faces to all the names on groups that are coming as well. See some of you at Tullamarine at 11.45am. Its going to be fun fun fun...............